Market Access Support

Companies may have difficulty accessing certain markets due to known and/or unnoticed constraints, e.g. pricing, quality/capacity expectations, etc. Once these constraints are understood and settled, still other less evident constraints, namely risk related aspects, may stand in the way of successful agreements/contracts. 

Generally, some of these risks may represent real threats to the continuity of the business (e.g., neglected fire prevention measures in a fireworks factory), others may be negligible but still play an important role in the risk perception of potential clients, thus needing to be properly adressed as well. 

In addition, gaps in communication, especially those between different cultures, can play a decisive role in the understanding of the risks. Global Risk Experts offers a professional service in identifying and mitigating these diverse risks, as well as identifying cultural/risk-communication issues that may be a hindrance for accessing customers with specific risk expectations.

For further details regarding scope please go to GAP Evaluation for Access to Markets

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