Selection of Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMO)


Comparative risk based evaluation of two or more potential manufacturing units/companies pre-selected as possible manufacturers of goods deemed critical for the company (e.g. finished or semi-finished goods as result of outsourcing).

This typically includes for each unit:

  • Risk assessments of relevant practices, systems and equipment/installation for environmental protection, health, safety and security (EHSS).
  • Possible business critical liabilities.
  • Assessments of external risks (natural hazards, neighbourhood, social unrest, etc.).
  • Evaluation of the preparedness to handle expected and unexpected events.
  • Compliance with EHSS, labour laws and ethical standards (including special expectations of clients).


  • Comprehensive reports containing: 

    • Comparative classification of the evaluated units according to magnitude and nature of their major business/reputational risks  
    • concise management summaries for each unit and comparative for the group of units
    • graphic grading of essential aspects for each unit
    • structured conclusions and
    • list of relevant findings per unit

  • Preference ranking for selection (with graphs and explanations).
  • Recommendations on the adequacy (Y/N/Conditional) of potential partnerships.
  • Recommendations on addressing performance gaps for "conditional" units.

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